Monday, November 24, 2008


So on Thursday night at MIDNIGHT I went with my mom and sisters to the the Twilight movie...along with some other gals from my ward and it was sooooooooo much fun! A lady in our ward had a pre-party and it was great. She went all out with posters and gifts she was sweet!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVED THE MOVIE!!!!! A bunch of people complained that is wasn't like the book but COME ON PEOPLE!! How do you get 48hrs (how long it took you to read the book) in a 2 hr movie?????? Everyone has a different opinion of what their fav part of the movie it will NEVER have everything in it that you LOVED in the book. So go into it with an open mind and you will LOVE IT! I DID ! I thought it was great! I loved all the actors. Especially Charlie, Bella and Jessica! Thought they were great! I like Edward too he did a good job but I had invisioned someone so incredibly SEXY! Anyways I loved it and cant wait to go and see it agin with Brian! It rocked and I cant wait for New moon! Let me know how you all thought the movie was!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

TAG I'm it again! 6th folder, 6th picture~!

So my 6th picture in my 6th folder was this one:

It was April 4th 2006.  We had been in Hawaii 13 days!  We were at Sunset Beach! Chloe was just barely 3 and just so dang cute!  Looking at those pictures in that folder made me so sad. Looking at how tiny and sweet she was then! Why does time have to go by so fast and why do we have to grow up so fast!  I LOVED Chloe at age 3.  She was still a hand full but just so innocent and kind and sweet.  Now she is still sweet most of the time just a tad bit sassy and crabby!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

TAG I'm it!!! ...sorry so long Haley!!!!

4 Random Things About My Husband:
-He is really shy
-Really smart although he doesnt use it as much as he could!
-Is a major handy man! My mom loves him to death because he fixes and builds everything for her...a new wall in the house for a new room, a tree house, a dog house, changes out light bulbs, fixes toilets, changes light bulbs, name it he's done it!
-He has beautiful BLUE of his best qualities!

4 Movies That I Could Watch More Than Once:
-Nepolian Dynamite
-Italian Job
-August Rush
-Transporter!!! MY FAV OF ALL TIME!

4 TV Shows That I Watch:
-MEN IN TREES!-used to watch since they cancelled it...I HATE FAV show EVER!!!
-Greys Anatomy
-Jon and Kate plus 8
-Prison Break

4 Places I Have Been:
-Hawaii-all the islands!

4 Favorite Foods:
-Rainbow Sherbet

4 Places I Would Like To Visit:
-Sacred Grove
-San Diego Temple again
-The Carribean

4 Things I'm Looking Forward To This Year:
-Brian HOPEFULLY getting Baptized
-THANKSGIVING! My fav holiday...not because of the food but to remind us of all we have to be thankful for!
-Getting a new car (Toyota Seqouia)
-Becomming more Christlike!

I want to Tag:
Cassie Daines
Heather Chapman
Have fun girls!!!!!