So the kitchen! Everyone keeps asking to see pics of the kitchen and the progress! It is almost done. It should be done by next weekend! All we have left to do is install the dishwasher, stove and the tile back splash and the doors on the cabnets. Here are the pictures sorry they are from my phone! Enjoy!!!

So here is what it looked like once we tore the wall out. You can see on the right side where the door to the room used to be
This is with the base cabnets installed and the light fixtures in!

Where the door used to be is now the fridge and kitchen pantry
So the Upper cabnets are in...the fride, the tile on the floor the microwave, the grantie counter tops and dishwasher is in place just not hooked up yet! It is moving along and we are sooooooo excited to get it done!
KORBIN IS 8 MONTHS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So last week I spent three days and over 30 hrs making my daughter doll food! YES you read it right DOLL FOOD! I made it out of Sculpy Clay and baked them and glazed them! It was so hard but sooooooo much fun! I made it because they dont make small doll food for her size doll that is fun to play with! So here are the pictures of my work! It took forever but sooooo rewarding! Chloe loves it so much and plays with it everyday! So pretty much I am the best mom! HAHAHA yeah in my dreams! At least I did do something to show her just how much I love her (30hrs)!!!!Breakfast
Pretzels! My Favorite!
Fruit, fruit and more fruit! I did so many more just too many pics to post!!!! I did a Hamberger nand Fries, Turkey sandwich, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy with Chicken wings, corn, baked potato, green beans, chopped carrots, cakes and pies and much more! It was fun and well worth it and it only cost me $32 and The food I bought from the actual American Girl Doll site was 5 things of food for $25....I did 52 peices for $32!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I GOT A SPEEDING TICKET!!!! STUPID COP was soooooo rude. The same one gave me a ticket about...3 years ago before we moved to Hawaii. So he pulls me over, I hand him my license(Still Hawaii, Oops havent changed it yet) He goes and runs it and stuff...he comes back and says do you know how fast you were going... yes 45 in a 35. Well your lucky I feel like being nice. I could write you a felony ticket right now for not havng a washington license. You have 10 days after moving to switch it. It is a felony and up to a year in prison! WHAT THE HECK??????? So what you want me to kiss your feet dont threaten me with something you arent going to do. Give me my damn ticket and be gone! OOOOOOH I hate it when they talk down to you like you are stupid and they are doing you a favor!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then he says Do you know that there are deer on this road??? UM YEAH I LIVE ON THIS ROAD????? Then he says wouldnt you rather hit a deer going 35 instead of 45....NO I WOULD RATHER NOT HIT ONE AT ALL!!!!! Uh I cant stand them!!!!!! $125 later BLAH BLAH BLAH!
Thats it for now!!!!