So...Registration for Kindergarten for Chloe is tomorrow! Yeah! Only she isnt current on here immunization! So what did we get to do today???? Go to the Health Department and get shots today! 4 to be EXACT! OH what a joy that was...I have been preparing Chloe since I found out Monday...But this morning when we discussed it for the last time before we went she started crying and I said
"Chloe that is enough, if you want to go to Kindergarten then buck up and get the shots."
She said " I dont care if I go to Kindergarten I'll stay at my New school (pre-school)"
"Chloe, you can't stay in pre school forever. You have to go to Kindergarten like a big girl!"
"No I don't want the stupid shots."
"I don't care you are getting the shots so you can go to school. Choe everyone has to get these shot to stay healthy."
"I am already healthy."
"Chloe get your shoes on and get in the car we are going to get your shots."
So we get there and she is doing ok...then the nurse pulls out the needles and lays them on the table and Choe starts freeking out.
"I hate needles...I hate needles...I dont want the stupid shots."
"Chloe you can hate the stupid shots all you want but you are getting them."
The nurse says "Honey its ok to hate the shots. No one likes getting them but you have to, OK? Now dad (Yeah Brian had to go cuz I cant hold her down due to the belly) hold her on your lap and hold down her arms and put her legs inbetween yours."
Chloe just started FREAKING..."Dont hold me...let go of me"
The nurse says" Ok are you ready"
"Well too bad...and off she went to poke Clo with the 4 shots."
Chloe was screaming so loud I could hardly believe it. I have NEVER ever heard a child scream that loud. It was incredibly tramatic. I hope all of you dont have as much problems as we had. The funniest part was she cried for probay 5 mins after, while I was paying etc. We had told her before we got there that if she got the shots we could go to Target and she could pick out a any toy she wanted. She as we are leaving Brian says
"Chloe I am proud of you, you did such a good job and got your shots."
"No I didnt I freaked out and cried really hard."
We just busted up laughing...and I said "Ok you didnt do a good job, you were naughty and screamed but I am proud of you for getting the shots."
"Mom do I still get a toy?"
Ofcourse she got a toy...she deserved it...but I am dreading doing this again with Korbin...hopefully he wont be as big a baby as Chloe. She got a Hannah Montana barbie and has been playing with it all day!
Oh the joys of Children and Kindergarten! She is really excited about Kindergarten and we are excited for her to go! It is hard to belive that my baby is going to Kindergarten but she is! Life sure flys by!