Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Spokane, Preschool and a NEW due date!
Other new our way is that I had a doctors apointment today and he pushed my due date back to JUNE 9! I was just arguing with him about it...AHHHH he said the baby is measuring small...which is STupID because Chloe measured small and I just have small babies! Oh well my arguing did nothing... he said I'm the doctor with the degree and I make the call...I wanted to CRY! Oh well...I guess really the baby will come when it wants and no due date will change that so...I'll deal!
Chloe just started Pre School this week and is really enjoying it! Her teacher said she is doing great and that this was very needed for her. That she thrived in that environment! So yeah...glad we could finally afford to get her in. That way in September when she starts Kindergarten she will hopefully do well!
Anywhoo thats about all the exciting news!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The only difference is that Korbins crib is is all gonna look sooo cute together. I am having them share room even though we have 4 bedrooms our new place because 2 are upstairs and 2 downstairs and I dont feel comfortable having Chloe upstairs all by we all going in the basement and I will have a guest/office and a playroom upstairs! It will be nice! Now all I need to do is get Chloes bed painted black which I was supposed to do like...months ago...Just been lazy! But at least I have their cute bedding and it matches and will look so cute in their room!
Well enough slacking for me...I gotta get back to work! YEEHA!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
So today I am so happy and SOOOO SAD!
First off I am sooooo happy today because I just found out today that I GOT INSURANCE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited and they are back dating it to 12/1/07 so they will cover all the visits I had while I was home and refund me! I am sooo happy I can hardly contain myself!
Hopefully they go away soon for both our sakes!